Frequently Asked Questions

How does the app work?

You need to head into the app, pick the category that suits you, adjust a few details, and get the other person (or people) to sign the contract. All you need is your phone and internet connection.

How many types of contracts do you have?

There are more than 20 different types of e-greements you can make. And we are regularly releasing new ones.

Would these contracts hold up in court?

Yes! These contracts contain all of the necessary elements to ensure that it will be accepted in court and declare valid.

How can I sign a contract if I received a link to e-gree?

When you receive a link to e-gree, simply open the link and it will bring you to the e-gree registration page. Follow the instructions to download the app and register with e-gree.  Once e-gree is installed on your smart device,  the contract will open and you will be able to review it, make any proposed changes to send back to the sender, and sign it electronically.

How do I cancel a contract?

Once a contract is signed, it becomes a legally binding contract and you are obligated to perform under the terms of the contract. You can only cancel a contract under very limited circumstances. The most common being if all parties jointly agree to cancel the contract.  Also, if a contract has been entered into based on misrepresentation or mistake, you may be able to bring an action to cancel the contract. Additionally, if the other party has breached the contract, you may bring an action against the other party for breach or to cancel the contract.

How serious is a breach of contract?

It is serious. A contract represents a legally binding obligation. If you do not perform the obligations set forth in the contract that you signed then you have breached the contract. If that occurs, then the other party can bring a legal action against you for any damages that party has suffered as a result of your breach.

How long does a contract last? Does it have an expiration date?

Each contract will have a term. This term may be expressly stated in the contract. Or, it may be defined by the obligations to be performed by a party to the contract. For example, the contract will end when each party has fully performed the obligations set forth in the contract.  Also, some contracts may have no expiration date.  For example, a non-disclosure agreement that requires a person to forever keep sensitive information secret.

How many people can sign one contract?

Contracts are typically between two people.  Sometimes, a contract will have a “co-signor”.  This is a third-person that has agreed to be responsible for the legal obligations of a party to a contract and is usually called upon to perform those obligations if and when the other party fails to perform.  Also, a form-type of contract can be signed by several people. For example, a large group of people attending an event may be asked to sign the same waiver form. By signing such a contract, each person is agreeing to the terms set forth in the contract.